Coca Tea MacMate 103 Bags

Thursday, March 13, 2008

From MacMate

WE ARE GOING TO DISCONTINUE MACMATE 103, ALL BOXES MUST GO!!! In order to introduce the new MacMate Air - Tight bag Premium Gold, this is our lowest price ever, buy it while it lasts.A strong, dark, fresh, fragrant and rich Bolivian coca tea, 103 individual paper wrap tea bags .100% organic , no preservatives, pure crushed , dried coca leaves, our best coca tea in inventory. Mate de coca, sometimes called té de coca ("coca tea"), is a tisane made from the leaves of the Coca plant (Eritroxilécea). The consumption of coca tea is a common occurrence in many South American countries. Coca tea is also used for medicinal and religious purposes by many indigenous tribes in the Andes mountain range, also is great to alleviate the symptoms of altitude sickness. Traditionally, official governmental persons travelling to La Paz in Bolivia, located at almost 4,000 meters above mean sea level, are greeted with a mate de coca. News reports noted that Princess Anne and the late Pope John Paul II were served the beverage during their visits to the country.

Revitalizes restores and energizes. Elevates brightens and controls moods
Regulates arterial pressure and metabolism, great for altitude sickness
It supports both the digestive system and liver functions thanks to coca leaves.
Digestive tea, delicious flavor, conserves all the healing properties of coca leaf
100% Natural & Organic , export quality, hughest rated at quality control.